This is an excerpt of the deck I presented as part of Harvard Business School’s Alumni webinar series on May 8, 2013. If you happen to be a HBS Alumnus, you can catch the replay here. I will continue to fine-tune this presentation with the intent of publishing an e-book on the topic. The Business… Continue reading Social Media and the Business of Serendipity
Author: jhondroulis
You know your old when you decide to delete an app last used in ’06 to connect to your Palm Pilot. #oldschool
Man. I thought I was SO cool when I got my Palm Pilot! “Check this out…it’s a stylus”. Went it went color! OMG!! I like…flipped out. It’s amazing to think how quickly times have changed. I’m sure 5 years from now I’ll be thinking…wow remember when we had to use our fingers to input into… Continue reading You know your old when you decide to delete an app last used in ’06 to connect to your Palm Pilot. #oldschool
Help us @mihai, you’re our only hope! #delicious to #GoogleBookmarks broken or blocked? @joshu any ideas?
Yahoo’s lame announcement of sunsetting Delicious has left the millions (just a guess) of users who have come to love it. Yes it had feature creep to no end, but heh, I just didn’t use them. So I immediately googled alternatives and I decided I want to use Google Bookmarks. For the life of me… Continue reading Help us @mihai, you’re our only hope! #delicious to #GoogleBookmarks broken or blocked? @joshu any ideas?
QR Codes Presentation: IRL to URL
Here’s the long form presentation of the presentation I gave the the Columbus Social Media Club back in 2010. With iOS11 supporting QR codes in the iPhone camera, I thought it might be good to resurrect this as marketers will be looking for information on how to leverage this old/new school tactic of connecting in… Continue reading QR Codes Presentation: IRL to URL
iPhone App Siri – The Greatest User Experience EVER!
My wife and the new iPhone app Siri have a lot in common – they both have great personalities, they are brilliant AND gorgeous <insert brownie points here>. I recently attended a meeting of the local IxDA (Interaction Design Association) where they showed videos from Interaction10, this year’s conference for interaction designers. One video struck… Continue reading iPhone App Siri – The Greatest User Experience EVER!